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Владимир Покусаев
Владимир Покусаев01.04.2015  с помощью YouTube
Swimming Elephant HD by Freedom Divers, Phuket
Have you ever seen a diving Elephant? http://freedom-divers.com Elephant swimming in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman Islands, India. http://freedom-divers.com DISCLAIMER & EXPLANATION REGARDING ANY POTENTIAL ACCUSATIONS OF "ANIMAL CRUELTY" - The guy whom so many have accused of mistreating Rachan the Elephant by "poking", "forcing him into the water", etc, etc... That guy is actually Rachan's Mahout, a.k.a trainer, and has been raising Rachan for countless years; they have a very special bond and he is very, very fond of Rachan!- - When swimming, he's actually NOT hitting the elephants ear for any other reason than to keep Rachan safe. Yes, really!!! The bay where one can see Rachan swimming has a narrow sandbank underwater, stretching from one side of the bay to the other. Rachan needs to swim along this sand bank for safety reasons so as to avoid going out into deeper water- especially as he is getting very old now, or he runs the risk of drowning if he ventures into deeper water. The stick is ONLY meant to keep him on the right path. There are moments later in the video where he swims without the Mahout. Also, it's a slight catch 22: though Rachan LOVES swimming, he obviously cannot see clearly underwater, so actually needs his Mahout to help him. Not Cruel in ANY way. - and before you get too prematurely angry about the sound of that: it should be noted he is never forced into the water! In fact, there are even some days where all the divers can be ready & waiting for him in the water, and he just won't go in! It's up to him! Ever just woken up one day and decided that you didn't feel like getting wet right at that moment?? Same thing, and no force on Earth can push an elephant that size into the water- more to the point, we don't even try - and the "chain" around his ankle? Not actually a chain! It's in fact a ceremonial "ribbon"/ rope that the owners tie around his ankle for spiritual reasosn. The same practise is carried out in all nations which consider the Elephant a sacred animal, such as India and Thailand to name but a few. In fact, this rope is very similar to the "Mongkon" head gear that the ancient siamese warriors would wear to bless a field of battle; a tradition still honoured by all modern day Muay Thai practitioners, and so once again, allow me to reassure everyone by saying: this is not animal cruelty. - Finally, for those concerned about his Tusks being sawn off, again, it's a safety issue: as his tusks got so big at one stage, it actually began causing him to have unnecessary weight, pressure on his teeth, gums and entire jaw. It was only when a Vet suggested "trimming" them for Rachan's overall comfort and well being that the decision was made to saw off the end. SO I HOPE EVERYONE WHO WAS EVEN THINKING OF POSTING A NEGATIVE COMMENT ABOUT THIS VIDEO AND INSINUATING THAT THIS IS IN ANY WAY AN ACT OF ANIMAL CRUELTY, THINKS TWICE BEFORE DOING SO.
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