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4 Марта 2025 вторник
Sergey Zadirko
Sergey Zadirko11.03.2015  с помощью Деловая газета Взгляд
Большинство стран ЕС выступили против продления антироссийских санкций в марте
Среди стран-членов Евросоюза преобладает мнение, что решение о практическом продлении санкций нужно отложить до...
The funny thing is that here we coincide with the British: for 400 years their main policy was to create disunited Europe. They fought with the Dutch against Spanish, with the Germans against French, with the French against the Germans and the Austro-Hungarians, they have even entered EU to make a pigs's breakfast out of it. Now they are conjuring TAFTA to support the English speaking unity. Russia have to fight against it with the Germans who are our ntural allies rather than foes. Slavic narions of the EU will follow Germany once the Germans see the reason and they are quite good at this.
Дмитрий Степкин11.03.2015
не совсем понял последние два предложения)
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