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16 Февраля 2025 воскресенье
Arayik Sargsyan06.09.2017  с помощью Деловая газета Взгляд
Укрепрайон ИГ на подступах к Дейр-эз-Зору удерживали боевики из России и СНГ
В ходе операции по освобождению Дейр-эз-Зора сирийские войска нашли подтверждение развединформации, что крупный укрепрайон ИГ на окраинах города удерживался боевиками-выходцами из России и СНГ, сообщает Минобороны.
About CREATION of KURDISTAN; Agreement "Sykes-Picot" OR the END the."

Expert assessment of Academy of Geopolitics.

We recently especially noted that the authorities of Israel exempt certain territories from local population, for further development of these lands by Israelis. These regions the Golan heights are among Syria, the Iraqi Kurdistan, the Crimea and Karabakh. Especially for the solution of this task on August 23 the Prime minister of Israel met in Sochi (Russia) the President of Russia V. V. Putinim: The cm "Israel demands from Putin the Golan heights Syria" - / and interview of the President of Academy of Geopolitics academician Arayik Sargsyan - Fight for Kurdistan will become continuation of war against IGIL in the Middle East generally and in Iraq – in particular.
As approaching a referendum in the Iraqi Kurdistan which threatens to provoke a new round of war in Iraq, the diplomatic maneuvers directed on prevention of this referendum become more active and Kurds can't but consider objective reality, having passed into a bargaining stage though the general course on secession of Iraq remains invariable.
The Kurdish fighters of a peshmerg took Kirkuk under control in 2014 when the Iraqi army ran because of approach of IG in northern and the western Iraq, having prevented that fields of the region fell into hands of fighters. "Kirkuk will become the reason of war in Mesopotamia" about what experts of our Academy of Geopolitics still of ktnjv of 2014 surely predicted: to pretexts of our readers to watch this transmission - . and to read here -
In 1916 London and Paris secretly agreed about future section of Asian part suffering a defeat in war of Ottoman Turkey. According to these arrangements, the Arab vilayets of the Ottoman Empire after its defeat had to turn into mandated territories of these powers. Their representatives – the English politician sir Mark Sykes and the French diplomat Francois George-Pico became history as authors of the first, very hasty cut out version of the colonial section of Asian part of Ottoman Turkey. Though the plan of two authors of the scheme of future, post-military device of the Middle East, had purely preliminary character, and between them then some more years bitter struggle for mandated territories proceeded, it became history as secret "Sykes-Picot Agreement", having become a symbol of a colonial enslavement of Arabs, Armenians, the Georgian, Kurds and other ethnoses of the Middle East. It was concluded on May 16, 1916 (See the Card No. 2). Most likely Paris "refuses" the share of the Contract "Sykes-Pico"... We recommend our readers to get acquainted with our analysis: "Aleppo – Astana transit. About the new Russian-Turkish military pact." -
"The decision of a referendum on division isn't good idea. It isn't connected with our trade with this Region", - Chavushoglu told. "We support KRG and the Kurdish brothers and sisters here, in Iraq, and also others. Therefore we didn't apply any conditions to go on this stage", - it continued.

Kurdistan has no outlet to the sea and it is necessary on the Turkish Ceyhan pipeline for oil export that is the main source of its income that averages over 8,5 billion US dollars in a year (See. The Turkish mafia by means of the Syrian oil and money of the Chinese oligarchs seizes the gas market of Europe -

To be continued.

Arayik Sargsyan, the academician, the Honourable Consul of Macedonia in Armenia, the president of Academy of Geopolitics, the Representative of AIC in the countries Middle East.

Владимир Кириллов06.09.2017





Заполярный казак06.09.2017
Владимир Кириллов, Можно еще на языке острова Пасха написать !
Василий Толстик06.09.2017
Выходила на берег Катюша! Китайская народная песня
жжж ббб06.09.2017
תודה על כל מה שבראתתודה עלתודה על מה שלי נתתעל אור עיניים חבר או שנייםעל מה שיש לי בעולםעל שיר קולח ולב סולחשבזכותם אני קייםפזמון:תודה על כל מה שבראתתודה עלמה שלי נתתעל צחוק של ילדושמי התכלתעל אדמהובית חםפינה לשבת אשה אוהבתשבזכותם אני קייםתודה על כל מה שבראתתודה על מה שלי נתתעל יום של אושר תמימות ויושרעל יום עצוב שנעלםתשואות אלפיים ובכפייםשבזכותם אני קייםפזמון.תודה על כל מה שבראתתודה על מה שלי נתתעל ...


Никола Питерский06.09.2017
"To be continued." Это обнадеживает. А то я аж расстроился, что такой текст короткий!
Андрей Перцев06.09.2017
Согласен со всеми предыдущими ораторами!
Андрей Не Важно06.09.2017
I have only one question: who is mr. V.V.Putinim????
Андрей Не Важно06.09.2017
Когда Араиг Саргсян - почетный консул Македонии в Армении, а не Армении в Македонии- становится интересно....