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23 Февраля 2025 воскресенье
Arayik Sargsyan23.08.2016  с помощью Деловая газета Взгляд
СМИ: Подозреваемого в убийстве семьи в Армении военнослужащего могут передать в Россию
Российский военнослужащий Валерий Пермяков, которому во вторник в Армении вынесут приговор по делу об убийстве семьи из семи человек в Гюмри, будет отбывать наказание – по всей вероятности, пожизненный срок – не на территории Армении, а в России, сообщили СМИ.

The request of the Government of China in EAES was granted.

Beginning of article here: "About Putin's visit to China".

About the New Customs code of the Euroasian Economic Union (EAES)

In addition in the project also possibility of recognition of foreign UEO (Authorized Economic Operators) on a mutual basis is written down. With a similar initiative, the Government of China addressed to EEK.

It is necessary to tell that China is faced by a complex challenge of carrying out regional policy of the American models, in particular, according to the scheme of observance of balances of influence and an alignment of forces.
At the same time, the similar model is possible and concerning Eurasia, meaning the territory of Russia and Central Asia. On this space of the purpose and the direction of strengthening of influence of China are quite possible. Most likely geopolitical and geoeconomic interests of China are located in Africa and China concentrated on Africa. According to Fox News (USA), China will build the first foreign outpost in Djibouti. The Chinese authorities approved construction of the first foreign military base of support on the African continent where warehouses with the weapon and fuel, and also military units will be located. Construction began on the coast of Djibouti, in 13 km from the largest American military base on the continent. The area of the Chinese outpost will make 400 thousand sq.m. Here warehouses for the weapon, services for operation of fleet and aircraft, and probably the contingent of the Chinese marines will be constructed. For China the similar base became the first behind borders of the state.

Today the leader among the countries having outposts in other states are the USA. Their military bases can be found in 85 other countries of the world. About geopolitical opposition between China and the USA experts of our Academy wrote here: "Currency war of the USA against China: China wins".

The USA and Western Europe aren't interested in any way in these regions as and now they already got positions which allow them to observe the interests in the sphere of power and raw materials. Between the West and Russia fight not for Central Asia, Siberia and the Far East, and for the Arctic, with its reserves of hydrocarbons is developed.

That is, on a share of China Central Asia, perhaps, in exchange for concessions in the Middle East and in the Pacific region will get. And it can lead to the section of Eurasia that will be realized in shorter terms.

The section of Eurasia, most likely, will become one of the global main directions of policy of China and the USA, and also their partners. Russia became another and more to the period of wellbeing won't return. It is necessary "to sell out" Eurasia, in parts and in general.

Maybe it sounds paradoxically, but probably Russian nation isn't capable and has any more no desire to hold control over Eurasia though it never was. Eurasia was always heavy freight for the Russian nation.

About the Armenian-Russian joint force of troops

Creation of the Armenian-Russian joint force of troops will give a new impulse to interaction between two countries which develops both in a bilateral format, and within the Collective Security Treaty Organization. In the Armenian-Russian joint force of troops will enter part 102 of the Russian military base in the city of Gyumri, the Russian Air Force base Erebuni (Yerevan) and 4 – й the VS army case of Armenia located in Vayk on border with Nakhichevan (the autonomous republic of Azerbaijan). The general the number of the Armenian-Russian joint force of troops will be to make 9,5 thousand soldiers and officers, 280 tanks and SAU, 120 units of SZO "Hail", 155 BMP, 30 MI 8, MI 25, 12 helicopters of the SU planes 24 and SU 25, 10 MIG 29. It is group it is created for opposition of possible aggression from Azerbaijan and Turkey. In Nakhichevan since 2014 it was created three military bases under complete control and with participation of VS of Turkey. 90% of military instructors and officers of these bases were trained in Turkey and many of them have the Turkish passports. Creation of the Armenian-Russian joint force of troops can be a guarantee from Russia (it was declared by the President of Russia V. V. Putin on August 10 in St. Petersburg) if Armenia makes concessions in Nagorno-Karabakh.

About visit of the president of Turkey Recep Erdogan to Iran

Visit of the president of Turkey Recep Erdogan to Iran will take place after visit to Turkey of the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and the Vice President of the United States Joe Biden which will arrive to Ankara today, on August 21. The question of the intersyrian settlement at Erdogan and Rouhani's negotiations will be the basic though it doesn't advise strongly to be under a delusion about it. During Erdogan's visit the question and economic cooperation will also be brought up. After removal of sanctions Iran became very perspective market for the Turkish business, and Ankara will try to occupy the niche there. And from the point of view of Iran, Turkey is interesting as the market to supply of energy resources and transit of the Iranian gas to Europe.

Arayik SARGSYAN, the academician, the Honourable Consul of Macedonia in Armenia, the president of Academy of Geopolitics.
Николай Наумов23.08.2016
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