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23 Февраля 2025 воскресенье
Yan Svoboda
Yan Svoboda12.08.2014  с помощью Деловая газета Взгляд
Стефен Эберт: АТО – взгляд из-за океана
Мир точно висит на волоске от мировой войны. Таким образом, все в мире являются заложниками АТО в буквальном смысле...
Who gives a rats ass of your piece of shit arguments of ifs and buts...? If the ukrainins want to show Russians the finger and hate them it is their problem, as long as they stay within their borders, and they are doing just that. The Russians on the contrary are playing the master of the region role and feel they can dictate why Ukraine can and what Ukraine can not do. Regardless of the details, one thing is for sure: Ukraine is under attack from outside and this is a fact. It has a right to self defense and the Russian apologists can go and acre themselves with their keyboards.
Владимир Коновалов12.08.2014
Иван Иванов, да опять какой-нибудь (очень вежливо скажу) ЛГБТэшник. Их там пруд-пруди))
Вова Вовин13.08.2014
Ukraine exhausted itself in shit for 20 years.
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