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5 Марта 2025 среда
Bob Ide
Bob Ide29.07.2014  с помощью Деловая газета Взгляд
Дмитрий Бавырин: Нормальная западная страна
Если бы Россия была нормальной западной страной, она объявила бы спецоперацию по принуждению Украины к миру, в на...
Russia is against ukraine and make a war inside
Postmodern Person29.07.2014
great idea, how much time did you spend on thinking it over - or you just took it from most trusted CNN news ... you on the west are simply idiots, you should be worried up to your ass that by supporting ukrainian Nazi you have lost any credibility and respect of Russia forever. You know that we lost 20 M lives fighting Nazi in WW2 - but we finally got to Berlin, now you can as well wait us at London ...


Антон Сиваков30.07.2014
As far as I know, Crimea is against Ukraine, too. And Donetsk with Lugansk, this was shown on May, 11.
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