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5 Марта 2025 среда
Радимир Мирчев
Радимир Мирчев09.01.2014  с помощью Facebook
Highly qualified manager looking for a job and has the following skills:

- B2B and B2C interaction;
- Advanced management (more than 8 years of experience);
- Management of the company (production, logistics, marketing, real estate, cars, food , agriculture);
- Wholesale and retail trade (more than 8 years of experience);
- Import/Export or food, cars, raw materials and much more;
- Commercial Real Estate ( more than 5 years of experience);
- Sale of motor vehicles (more than 3 years of experience);
- Develop advertising strategy;
- Human Resource Management;
- Participation in the development of promotional materials , packaging, product design;
- Spoken in three languages ( Russian - native , Bulgarian – native, English - intermediate);
- Optimization of the company's expenses;
- Creation and promotion of brands;
- Analysis of markets and activities of specific companies;
- Forecasting;
- Support and consultation agro projects of any complexity;
- Oil and gas supplies from Russia to Europe and other regions (search for suppliers and complete clearance deals).
The difference between me and other managers consists of a comprehensive and multilateral approach to any problem.
There is a possibility to move to another country to work for the benefit of a new employer.

With best regards.
Radimir T. Mirchev