Ukraine was being infiltrated by Russian instigators during their cry for Democracy and when it came and the dictator fled to Russia the Ukrainian people were happy and still are, but Putin can't stand loosing. He got slapped in the face so now had to save face by telling the people of Russia he was willing to use a nuclear bomb. What the people of Russia don't realize is that everyone looses if he does that and he knows it, that's why he's doing nothing but blowing hot air, he won't use them. His lifestyle of the rich and famous will be over and a person with that ego can do without. He is doing what any scared rabbit would do, put in a big front and hope for the best, but a people who have been lied to for so long will believe anything that is said.
Роберт Данилов18.03.2015
с помощью Деловая газета Взгляд
пользователю Виктор Селиверстов
Дормидонт Пyкин18.03.2015
Понравилось 3 людям
Роман Полуэктов18.03.2015
Роберт Данилов18.03.2015
Роман Полуэктов18.03.2015
Valerybogdansky 18.03.2015
Роберт Данилов18.03.2015
Евлампий Ефграфович18.03.2015
Аркадий Викторович18.03.2015