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21 Февраля 2025 пятница
Larisa Ulanova
Larisa Ulanova16.01.2013  с помощью Facebook
Lev Shlosberg's speech ( the video is below): "We were asked to share the political responsibility, moreover, in full, in one of the most shameful laws passed in the history of the Russian Federation.
This law passed three readings in the State Duma. Ever since 1994, Pskov Oblast Council of Deputies did not express their position on the bill, passed three readings in the State Duma and the Federation Council passed. Pskov Oblast Council of Deputies expressed its position either by law, which passed its first reading in the State Duma, or even before the first reading.
Names of people who were actually initiated the adoption of the draft, in the explanatory memorandum to the bill no. These people feel the public reaction, which occurred in the two weeks. And just as they covered themselves sick children in the fight against diplomatic and other agencies of the foreign state, and now they are trying to cover up the legislatures of the Federation.
On this day in support of the bill were only three of the Legislative Assembly, is the Astrakhan Regional Duma, Tambov Oblast Duma and the Moscow City Council, issued rulings on December 11-12, and no one else in this business, I'm sorry, do not plunge. Today we invited to plunge into it.
I want to draw your attention to the title of the bill: "On measures against persons involved in the violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms, rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation."
But this law affects the others.
This savage bill is in response to the fact that the United States adopted a so-called. "Magnitsky Act", which, by the way, there is still no names. Within 120 days from the date of entry into force of Act U.S. Department of State must determine the list of these names.
But the so-called. "Magnitsky List" published the results of an independent investigation. There's 60 people. This, prosecutors, investigators, the FSB, the judges of the federal courts and the Court of Arbitration, the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service - those who fabricated a case stolen three commercial company, then stolen by illegal VAT refund 5.4 billion rubles. these three companies, and another 11 billion in the same way at a time when Mr. Serdyukov headed the Federal Tax Service. This stolen more than 16 billion rubles. Russian taxpayers.
Accountant Magnitsky conducted my audit in three companies founded Hermitage Foundation and discovered the theft. He wrote a letter to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to open a criminal investigation into the theft of a large-scale budget of the Russian Federation. But this statement has got to the people who stole the three commercial companies, organized in 2007, the raider attacks, including print and statutes. These people without a court Magnitsky planted more than 12 months, they tortured him, they beat him and they killed him.
These men of civilized nations do not want to start up on their territory, the civilized nations do not want their territory to the ownership of these bandits were anything. Actually, this - Act Magnitsky.
There are solutions to the European Parliament, recommending that all 27 countries within the European Union, to adopt similar documents. Once one EU country adopts this standard, it is becoming the norm of the European Union.
Now this society read the new Russian law. It does not include people, for example, produce an independent investigation, and if we imagine that they are wrong, and blame, and blame himself Magnitsky against whom after his assassination was a criminal case, there should be their names, but their not there, but there is a norm that the citizens of the U.S. and other countries that support the Magnitsky Act or similar acts will have no right to act as foster parents of Russian children.
That's what matters. This - not the action against potentially responsible parties, this action is against defenseless children. It is the law cannibalistic, shameless and despicable. Pskov Oblast Council of Deputies invited to join this meanness. And personally subscribe to each deputy of meanness.
Dear colleagues, I want to appeal to all of you, knowing how to vote the State Duma. People who supported the bill in the State Duma, the people who tomorrow will support this bill in the Federation Council, the people who failed to grasp the extent of his life-long responsibility for such decisions.
Everyone who voted for this law, is guilty in the potential death of a child who is not able to cure the Russian system.
I want to remind you of the norms of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the agreement between Russia and the U.S., which is July 12, 2011 approved Putin that only after the Russian adoptive parents abandoned the child, it may be submitted for international adoption.
In 2011, Russian citizens were adopted 7,416 children, foreign - 3400. While in this country died in foster care in 1220 the adoption of Russian children by citizens for 15 years, and in the "damned United States" - 19.
And for four years in the Russian orphanages were returned 50,000 children on the initiative of Russian adoptive parents, because they have not mastered them either materially or methodically, and from foreign families return to year only one child.
We are with you, dear colleagues, should be absolutely no difference where the unfortunate sick child found his happiness. If our state today, unfortunately, was not able to give every child a family, even if it will make at least someone.
The agreement, signed in 2011 between Russia and the United States and which is canceled by this law, guarantees the rights of approximately 50,000 Russian children have already adopted in the United States and who are under 18 years of age. Their removal deprive these citizens the protection of the Russian Federation, including consular assistance.
I want to appeal to all colleagues, to those who might vote against - to vote against, to declare their citizenship, to those who could not vote against it - not to participate in infamy, because participation in infamy is a life and it will not be possible never and no fix. "