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15 Марта 2025 суббота
Alexandrа But But15.03.2012  с помощью Деловая газета Взгляд
Макфол: Шокирован антиамериканизмом в России
Администрация президента США Барака Обамы обратилась в Конгресс с предложением учредить фонд поддержки гражданского...
Americans need new enemy to divert people’s attention.Arayik Sargsyan, academician, President of geopolitical academy.February 08, 2012 | 02:03
YEREVAN. - US, Israel, UK, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are engaged in propaganda war against Iran, said political analyst from Russian Geopolitic’s Problems Arayik Sargsyan.
“It is too early to say whether the war will turn into hostilities. Iran is not Iraq or Libya, it is a powerful country with a mighty army. Super powers realize that war against Iran is fraught with serious consequences,” he told Armenian News.
The expert stressed that in the long term perspective the final goal of U.S. is China.
“The goal is to weaken China’s economy. It is a game. May Iran be the first link in a chain? I doubt, as there is Pakistan and Afghanistan. The withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan is being discussed. Americans are fleeing,” he added.
The Americans are scared being at home, the expert said adding that the events in Oakland (California) were not widely spread by media outlets.
“Power was seized and the flag burnt in the city. Police was firing at people, many were injured. The economic crisis is due. Americans need a new enemy, for instance Iran or Pakistan, to divert people’s attention from domestic problems,” he concluded