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15 Марта 2025 суббота
Alexandrа But But15.03.2012  с помощью Деловая газета Взгляд
Макфол: Шокирован антиамериканизмом в России
Администрация президента США Барака Обамы обратилась в Конгресс с предложением учредить фонд поддержки гражданского...
US and NATO war against Russia. Arayik Sargsyan, academician, President of geopolitical academy.
Arayik Sargsyan, academician, President of geopolitical academy, representative of candidate for Russian president Leonid Ivashov, said during a recent press conference that if they were allowed to take part in the elections on March 4, L. Ivashov would have great opportunities to be elected in the second phase. A. Sargsyan believes that in case of a revolution in Russia there will be a revolution in our region as well because according to him the “authorities in the region are fed from Moscow”. “There are scenarios of war in Iran, Nagorno Karabakh, Syria or other countries in the Middle East for the purpose of distraction attention from elections and results of elections,” announced the expert. He also assured that after the elections in Russia on March 4 there will be a different Russia, where the human rights will be protected. “The Russian muzhik is not an alcoholic; he wants justice. The people that gathered in the Bolotnaya square were fighting for justice,” said A. Sargsyan.