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Alexandrа But But15.03.2012  с помощью Деловая газета Взгляд
Макфол: Шокирован антиамериканизмом в России
Администрация президента США Барака Обамы обратилась в Конгресс с предложением учредить фонд поддержки гражданского...
US may provoke escalation of situation around Iran - expert.
Arayik Sargsyan, academician, President of geopolitical academy. February 07, 2012 | 14:59
YEREVAN. – The U.S. may provoke escalation of situation around Iran, Vice-Chairman of the Russian Geopolitics Problems Academy Arayik Sargsyan said at a press conference on Tuesday.
According to him, statements by the U.S. senior officials testify that information war is already in progress. Moreover, Iranian nuclear scientists and experts die, thus terrorist attacks are committed in the territory of the Islamic Republic. The expert believes there can be several scenarios of clashes: Saudi-Arabia-Iran, Turkey-Iran or Israel-Iran.
“Will Israel attack Iran? Everyone expects provocations, not necessary in the Strait of Hormuz. It is possible to occur in the territory of the U.S. Something resembling 9/11, as a result Iranian special service will be blamed,” the expert said.
As for the question if Azerbaijan will risk taking what it does not possess and launch the second Karabakh campaign, the expert did not rule out such possibility adding that Baku is openly speaking about Iranian territories.