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15 Марта 2025 суббота
Alexandrа But But15.03.2012  с помощью Деловая газета Взгляд
Макфол: Шокирован антиамериканизмом в России
Администрация президента США Барака Обамы обратилась в Конгресс с предложением учредить фонд поддержки гражданского...
About the public interest United States in Russia during the reign of Putin.
DearMr. Mcfaul , these articles just for you!
Arayik Sargsyan, academician, President of the Geopolitical Academy. The challenges of the new United States Ambassador in Moscow, Mr. Mcfaul. Objectives of the new Ambassador of the United States in Moscow mr. Mcfauls is an attempt to connect with the opposition forces into a single managed the team. And the opposition \"asset\" to bargain with the Kremlin. The United States gain admission to the Russian monopolies, oil gas stocks in Russia. The United States is ready to allot more than FRS 2.0 trillion United States dollars. The FRS has printed money already! Left presses and will force the Kremlin accepted their terms. At the same time, the new Ambassador of the United States in Moscow is \"understandable\" explains Moscow's for buy of American securities . We know that with the departure of Russia Kudrin did not maintain a policy of investing into the economy of the United States. He was a colleague of Surkov's joint Russian-American project of the political reform of the Russian society. And as Mr. Surkov by making the United States Departament instruction failed the installation in parlament (State- Duma )elections, then his aid has landed a new Ambassador United States mr. Mcfaul. American project \" Putin-President\" in the film. In the early days of Mr. Mcfaul realized that the situation got out of control of the United States. And in this regard He was godfather to Mr. Putin's Kessindjers. Mr. Kessindjer together with his brother-partner Mr. Primakov met with Putin and it provided conditions for the re-election of United States (destination) Putin President of the Russian Federation. This will be the price that Russia must pay its owner-United States! Including: the decision of Russia to NATO conduit at the airport \"East\" in Ulyanovsk. Time already havent. Game done!