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16 Июня 2024 воскресенье
Оля Терехова03.06.2011  с помощью YouTube
Amazing waterspout 'tornado' caught on camera off Australia
Dramatic footage filmed from a helicopter by Australia's Channel 7 shows a series of powerful waterspouts near the coastal suburb of Terrigal, on Australia's New South Wales coast. Several powerful columns of swirling air could be seen blasting along the water's surface near the coastline. Channel 7 claimed the spouts reached heights of up to 600 metres (nearly two thousand feet), but dissipated as they neared land. The natural wonders came as strong winds and heavy rain also lashed other parts of the state, causing flash flooding and traffic chaos in Sydney. RT on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RTnews RT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/RT_com
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