A Europa e o Oriente Próximo viram surgir algumas das mais brilhantes - e das mais perversas - formas de organização humana. Ao longo dos séculos, essas áreas foram cortadas e recortadas por fronteiras e limites que dividiram povos, línguas e culturas. Esse vídeo recupera mil anos da dinâmica geopolítica de boa parte dessa região e retrata a trajetória de territórios, impérios e nações, do…
A Europa e o Oriente Próximo viram surgir algumas das mais brilhantes - e das mais perversas - formas de organização humana. Ao longo dos séculos, essas áreas foram cortadas e recortadas por fronteiras e limites que dividiram povos, línguas e culturas. Esse vídeo recupera mil anos da dinâmica geopolítica de boa parte dessa região e retrata a trajetória de territórios, impérios e nações, do nascimento à fragmentação e vice-versa, em igual frequência, num xadrez de permanente impermanência - uma ebulição que as crises, primaveras e conflitos atuais mostram continuar presente. Como estarão dispostas as peças desse tabuleiro daqui a 100 anos? Aliás, a interessante iniciativa bem poderia ser repetida nas Américas, para resgatar um pouco do passado do continente, em especial antes da chegada dos europeus. Alguém se anima?
Leia mais na CH On-line e na revista Ciência Hoje sobre: O prêmio Nobel da paz para a União Europeia http://cienciahoje.uol.com.br/especiais/premio-nobel-2012/a-uniao-faz-o-nobel/
O enfado do cidadão com a política, no cenário europeu e no mundo: http://cienciahoje.uol.com.br/revista-ch/2013/302/pdf_fechado/sobrehumanos302.pdf/
Os efeitos da crise mundial http://cienciahoje.uol.com.br/revista-ch/2012/289/pdf_aberto/crisemundial289.pdf/
Os rumos da primavera árabe http://cienciahoje.uol.com.br/revista-ch/2011/286/pdf_fechado/opiniao286.pdf/
Os abalos mundiais da espionagem eletrônica http://cienciahoje.uol.com.br/noticias/2013/09/os-espioes-que-queriam-saber-demais/
As manifestações no Brasil http://cienciahoje.uol.com.br/blogues/bussola/2013/06/das-redes-para-as-ruas
Uma coletânea com interessantes e diferentes formas de olhar nosso planeta: http://tmblr.co/ZlIT9xurgOw5
Confira a fonte original do vídeo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grK9fJieCgs
Liz Barskova thinks "yes"! Liz took the MV2G Intelligence Test on Facebook. When asked which out of 8 possible friends was the best mathematician, Liz replied Ольга Юрова!
Liz took the Emotional Intelligence Test on Facebook. When asked which out of 8 possible friends was the one with the highest emotional control, Liz replied Ольга Юрова!
The EQ test measures five competencies:
Self Awareness
Self Management
Auto Motivation
Social Awareness
Relationship Management
It has been developed by the Intelligent Elite Research Institute and is based on recent advances in the study of emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman.
Liz took the Emotional Intelligence Test on Facebook. When asked which out of 8 possible friends was the one with the highest emotional control, Liz replied Ольга Юрова!
The EQ test measures five competencies:
Self Awareness
Self Management
Auto Motivation
Social Awareness
Relationship Management
It has been developed by the Intelligent Elite Research Institute and is based on recent advances in the study of emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman.
Nino took the Personality Test on Facebook. When asked which out of 8 possible friends was the one, who most likes to mee new people, Nino replied Ольга Юрова!
The Facebook Personality Test Nino took has been developed by the Intelligent Elite Research Institute and is based on personality dimensions by Carl Gustav Jung.
Nino took the Personality Test on Facebook. When asked which out of 8 possible friends was the one, who most likes to mee new people, Nino replied Ольга Юрова!
The Facebook Personality Test Nino took has been developed by the Intelligent Elite Research Institute and is based on personality dimensions by Carl Gustav Jung.
Nino took the Emotional Intelligence Test on Facebook. When asked which out of 8 possible friends was the one with the highest emotional control, Nino replied Ольга Юрова!
The EQ test measures five competencies:
Self Awareness
Self Management
Auto Motivation
Social Awareness
Relationship Management
It has been developed by the Intelligent Elite Research Institute and is based on recent advances in the study of emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman.
Nino took the Emotional Intelligence Test on Facebook. When asked which out of 8 possible friends was the one with the highest emotional control, Nino replied Ольга Юрова!
The EQ test measures five competencies:
Self Awareness
Self Management
Auto Motivation
Social Awareness
Relationship Management
It has been developed by the Intelligent Elite Research Institute and is based on recent advances in the study of emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman.