(1 / 10) Next “Until recent times, Georgia was a destination reserved for the most intrepid of travelers. However, Georgia has been attracting more and more people , who are drawn in by the stunning mountains, delicious cuisine and warm hospitality of the country. There is certainly no shortage of s…
Mr. Yamamoto, film director Wim Wenders said that when he bought his first piece of your clothing, he was fascinated because it felt new and old at the same time, and he felt protected by it. Would you say that describes your clothes quite well?
Mr. Yamamoto, film director Wim Wenders said that when he bought his first piece of your clothing, he was fascinated because it felt new and old at the same time, and he felt protected by it. Would you say that describes your clothes quite well?
There was a rumor circulating that I had decided to stop. It is totally false. I love my job. I am passionate about the people I meet and the roles that I am given. So no, I don’t intend to stop. I have other interests, other things I enjoy doing, but they don’t stop the cinema.