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10 Мая 2024 пятница
Звездан Ткачев25.07.2011  с помощью Facebook
Alexander Dugin on Norway's shooter - Google translation text of Russian article
About Breivik (briefly)   1. Young supporters of tolerance came to the island. There they were, and shot. Aesthetically flawless panorama. Tell people all the same ...Listen, Libyans, Iraqis and Afghans are not human beings? These are, and those not? Either no one is, or all of you are. And sometimes you are, so others just need it. Then, in all ages the spirit hovered over the murder of the society and penetrated into his pores. In the twentieth century on a scale incomparable with the same. And we're all about "the same people" ...Kill - the most human of human traits. So again, young supporters of tolerance came to the island ...In the bushes was sitting Breivik. Completely humane view.   2. For his ideas to be answered. If you blurted out something on the merits - or the policy on religion, wait, you can descend to Breivik with a gun (quite legally formalized). Maybe he thinks otherwise, and he does not like what you say. Not ready for a meeting? Or, get ready, or close your mouth. The right to a serious political or religious (and especially philosophical) statement is only one who is ready for it to die. And do not be asking for that? (Well, ready for the most ... that is to reverse the situation, at least, of course, the case). If we were so concerned for their ideas and the ideas of others - the world would be many times cleaner and more transparent. Bravo, Breivik, in a word ...You reminded us of the worth of ideas.   3. Breivik is an internal European affair. And that's fine. He Mason, gay and anti-Muslim, the bulk of European law. Modern European identity - Masonry, gay pride, human rights. The second half of this identity - the left is somewhat different; the same thing, only with complete indifference to himself and others and laksizmom. Leftists do not have anything against what they put on their heels around the corner caught first arrived. That is just the European left does not care about their identity and themselves. So they vote welcome. They do not care even about Freemasonry, homosexuality and human rights ...So they are tolerant ...Therefore, it is shot in "the royal family of Europe." So a few years ago, gone mad prince of Nepal shot all relatives. Because no one left, chose to edit it. This time, no al-Qaida.   4. I would have closed the subject with "Christian Europe". In over 400 years it is not Christian. But strictly speaking 1,000 years and more. There's no long-Christianity, there is a civil religion Masonic laitsitet. If there's something vaguely religious in Europe, it is against Islam, Freemasonry or problems within Masonry. Freemasonry is serious. Christianity in Europe is ridiculous.   5. Multiculturalism fails. He hits a European identity. But for what? It is for this very positivist-secularist, on laitsitetu and Freemasonry. What is its essence? In that offers come in large numbers to do what they want. They do. Europe comes to an end. Well, we-what? I would support multiculturalism and all the rest, but only in Europe. All that returns them to their own poison, and his own lies, let it be. Europe - this is a mistake. If it's flood, maybe it is only fair. So let it be multiculturalism, Masonry, Gay Pride and Breivik. Let these scum EUROPEANS shoot each other, and this will contribute to come. And most importantly, for this you and me do nothing. Just sit comfortably in front of the TV. Our job - to stop the modernization of Russia. All dedicated to her, immediately steal. This is a Russian national liberation theft. That is also obtained from the pernicious modernization does not have to fight, everything is stolen. Westernization - the same scenario.   6. The more the West produce Breivik, as well as crazy maniacs of all types and kinds of violent and consistent in his paranoia, so much the better.