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13 Марта 2025 четверг
Irina Pung
Irina Pung04.12.2016  с помощью web
YouTube/ M&S Inspiration: Gregory Porter and Julie London’s duet in aid of Make-A-Wish® UK
Magic & Sparkle present… The 2014 Marks & Spencer Christmas TV ad. Gregory Porter Charity Version. All proceeds of the sale will go to Make-A-Wish® UK. Download the track here: http://po.st/msgpyi 100% of Decca Record's net profits from the sale of each download of the "Fly Me To The Moon" single which will be a minimum of 50p per download will be donated to Make-A-Wish® UK. Charity Registration Nos. 295672 (England & Wales) and SC037479 (Scotland) Follow Magic & Sparkle http://twitter.com/thetwofairies as they spread their festive kindness and evoke magic and sparkle across the nation. Subscribe to M&S TV for video updates and additional content http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=marksandspencertv Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarksandSpencer Twitter: https://twitter.com/marksandspencer Instagram: https://instagram.com/marksandspencer Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/marksandspencer Google+: https://plus.google.com/+marksandspencer Watch what Magic & Sparkle have been up to on their journey so far: http://youtu.be/b0gLIqMQZi0 Looking for the perfect gifts this Christmas? Visit the Marks & Spencer gift shop: http://bit.ly/1zhz5zZ Magic & Sparkle love dressing up at Christmas – visit the Marks & Spencer fun & festive shop for festive inspiration: http://bit.ly/1pNrEAL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarksandSpencer Twitter: https://twitter.com/marksandspencer Instagram: https://instagram.com/marksandspencer Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/marksandspencer Google+: https://plus.google.com/+marksandspencer
Всем зимнего волшебства и удачи!
Владимир Соболев04.12.2016
Остроумный ролик
Irina Pung04.12.2016
Владимир Соболев, а какие очаровательные феечки!