RUSH: I must hit you with what is said to be a correction. Yesterday we opened with the big news that the World Health Organization, which is part of the United Nations, reported that half of the AIDS or HIV infections in Greece were self-inflicted. The economy is so bad, the welfare state so entrenched that the World Health Organization said that half of the HIV infections in Greece are self-inflicted so that the recipients can get the equivalent of $900 a month welfare, 700-some-odd euros. Well, today the World Health Organization has apologized. They blamed an editing error for claiming in their September report that half of the new HIV cases in Greece were acquired deliberately by people trying to claim government benefits. "In a correction issued on Tuesday, WHO said the report should have read that 'few' new cases of HIV are deliberate." The original report said half, and that was an error. It should have said "few." Для тех, кто так и не выучил английский, переведу основную идею: Вместо "few" (несколько) напечатали "half" (половина) :)))

пользователю Cola Vanilla

James Bond