Блоги Russia.Ru - El Rozhttps://russiaru.net/id409912/Блоги Russia.Ru - El RozEl Rozhttps://russiaru.net/id409912/https://russiaru.net//avatar/id409912@russiaru.net/orig/1247830857.jpg155155Sun, 23 Feb 2025 18:17:40 +0300Sat, 19 Jul 2014 08:28:32 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/593ec00000831
Россия нашла еще одну форму поддержки Белоруссии
Белорусская техника и автомашины смогут на равных с российскими участвовать в тендерах на российские госзаказы. «В...
Всё равно "сбежит" Белоруссия от ваших объятий..))
Sat, 19 Jul 2014 07:06:21 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/641380000000c
Александр Разуваев: Изоляции не будет
Глобальная экономика и Запад были синонимами 20–30 лет назад. Теперь это далеко не так. Есть Азия и Латинская...
V Rossii slishkov uvleklis importom - svoego est, no mnogo prosto pokupaet. Zachem?
Sat, 12 Jul 2014 21:29:55 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/641380000000b
Sat, 12 Jul 2014 21:29:39 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/641380000000a
Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:33:28 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/6413800000009
ISIS Militants Seize Nuclear Materials In Iraq That Could Be Used For WMDs
The insurgents reportedly took uranium compounds from Mosul University. The material could potentially be used for manufacturing weapons of mass destruction.
another harvest of failure and destruction from US policies - after ruining Libya, Syria, achieving nothing in Afghanistan, and witnessing the disaster in Iraq, we can now congratulate US foreign policy masters for this:

Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:29:56 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/6413800000008
ISIS Has Seized 88 Pounds Of Uranium In Northern Iraq | Zero Hedge
With the mainstream media having moved on in the news cycle to Dow 'almost' 17,000 and the 'Border Crisis' Scandal, it seems The Islamic State (the terrorists formerly known as ISIS) have stepped up their game and come out swinging... by seizing 88 pounds of nuclear material (uranium compounds) from…
another harvest of failure and destruction from US policies - after ruining Libya, Syria, achieving nothing in Afghanistan, and witnessing the disaster in Iraq, we can now congratulate US foreign policy masters for this:

Nearly 40 kilograms (88 pounds) of uranium compounds were kept at Mosul University, Iraq's U.N. Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim told U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in the July 8 letter obtained by Reuters on Wednesday.
"Terrorist groups have seized control of nuclear material at the sites that came out of the control of the state," Alhakim wrote, adding that such materials "can be used in manufacturing weapons of mass destruction."
"These nuclear materials, despite the limited amounts mentioned, can enable terrorist groups, with the availability of the required expertise, to use it separate or in combination with other materials in its terrorist acts," said Alhakim.

Thu, 10 Jul 2014 00:12:59 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/6413800000007
Mon, 7 Jul 2014 21:57:35 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/6413800000006
Луганские ополченцы объявили о создании военно-воздушных сил
В руки ополченцев попал штурмовик Су-25, после небольшого ремонта он будет готов к бою, заявил в понедельник министр...
A gde eti Buki v Donetske? Vrode by vziali ikh - no, davaite, nalazhivaite i sbivaite gadov. Chto slyshno?
Mon, 7 Jul 2014 21:53:34 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/6413800000005
Украинские СМИ заявили о крупных потерях колонны Стрелкова
Ополченцы, покидая Славянск, потеряли почти все танки, сообщил украинский военный журналист Константин Машовец со...
Okr SMI tak vrut, dorogo neberut. Kakie 18 tankov? U Strelka bylo 3 T-64, i 15-16 BMP/BTR i vse. Brehnia po hohlovski..brehnia. Oni hotiat skryt proval okruzhenia i chto vsia sila ushla. A nuzhno raskazat ob uspehe okrov
Mon, 7 Jul 2014 07:12:46 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/6413800000004
Mon, 26 May 2014 22:09:35 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/6413800000003
NEO – Odessa: A Model of Warfare On the Cheap
- All that is required for a war is a target, a nation with something worth stealing and a will to steal it.
Mon, 19 May 2014 06:44:39 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/6413800000002
Ukraine: Distortion vs. reality
Will the Kyiv ‘fascists’ talk to the ‘terrorists’ from the east?
Sun, 18 May 2014 12:18:38 +0400https://russiaru.net/id409912/status/6413800000001