Блоги Russia.Ru - Анатолий Скрибаковhttps://russiaru.net/id284888/Блоги Russia.Ru - Анатолий СкрибаковАнатолий Скрибаковhttps://russiaru.net/id284888/https://russiaru.net//avatar/id284888@russiaru.net/orig/3507243775.jpg155155Sun, 9 Feb 2025 02:52:43 +0300Fri, 28 Sep 2012 20:50:17 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000044Да мне наплевать скока воруют из армии Воруют и это факт Суть вопроса не в этом Почему вы перекладываете вину с вора на … http://j.mp/SqZS58]]>Mon, 17 Sep 2012 16:11:53 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000043
ДОМАШНИЙ ОЧАГ - вот так должен быть забит шкаф каждого уважающего себя гражданина
Демотиватор: ДОМАШНИЙ ОЧАГ - вот так должен быть забит шкаф каждого уважающего себя гражданина
ДОМАШНИЙ ОЧАГ - вот так должен быть забит шкаф каждого уважающего себя гражданина
Mon, 17 Sep 2012 15:58:35 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000042
ЗИГМУНД ФРЕЙД: - "Боязнь оружия есть признак отсталого сексуального и умственного развития."
Демотиватор: ЗИГМУНД ФРЕЙД: - "Боязнь оружия есть признак отсталого сексуального и умственного развития."
ЗИГМУНД ФРЕЙД: - "Боязнь оружия есть признак отсталого сексуального и умственного развития."
Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:21:48 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000041
Knife Robbery Ends In A Bloodbath Gun Save Lives reposted by FirearmPop
Knife Robbery Ends In A Bloodbath Gun Save Lives reposted by FirearmPop

Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:21:39 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000040
Gunfight Caught on Tape: Store Owner vs. 2 Armed Robbers
If you like this video you may be interested in reading my book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0982518404?ie=UTF8tag=sales0d-20=as2camp=1789creative=390957creativeASIN=0982518404

All of my royalties are donated to veterans who have been physically wounded in combat, so it's a great book with an even greater cause.

Check my Web site: http://www.sempercool.com or look me up on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sempercoolbook

Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:21:26 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d80000003f
Clerk Shoots Robbery Suspect During Hold-up
A robbery attempt was foiled after a store clerk near Miami shot a would-be thief. (March 8)

Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:21:07 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d80000003e
Robbery Attempt An Epic Failure!
Surveillance video at convenience store caught on tape a robbery attempt that never had a chance. As the masked gunman enters the store he is quickly met by an off duty officer packing heat and the robber wants nothing to do with him and quickly becomes submissive to his every command.

Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:20:59 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d80000003d
Liquor Store Owner V Armed Robber - OWNED
A liquor store owner near Atlanta, GA proved to be a quicker draw than an armed robber. The hooded man threatened to kill the owner in the moments before the owner drew his gun.
The robber was hit in the right side and ran off. Police haven't found him yet.

Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:20:46 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d80000003c
Brave store clerk shoots back
This is amazing CCTV video from store in Dallas: a store clerk exchanges shots with would be robbers.. more on http://www.starsclips.net/

Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:20:33 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d80000003b
Robbery Gone Bad
A store clerk gets even and then some!

Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:15:31 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d80000003a
Аргумент против легализации короткоствола
Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:12:23 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000039
"Wheelchair Tactics" Shooting a IDPA match from my wheelchair
Scot, from Scotworks LLC puts our Holster Adapter and CCW pouch through the paces at a indoor IDPA match

Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:12:04 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000038
Стрельба из Desert Eagle
Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:11:33 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000037
Стой, а то бабушка будет стрелять!
A 65-year-old woman fired two rounds from a handgun at five masked men after they attempted to rob her jewelry store in Garden Grove, Calif. on Sunday. Her shots sent the men fleeing in such a panic that they literally tripped over each other trying to exit the store, KTLA reports.

The woman then went running after them down the street, still gripping her pistol. And all of it was caught on surveillance camera.
In fact, the would-be robbers were in such a frenzy from her gunfire that their white g
Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:09:59 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000036
*ORIGINAL FOOTAGE* Suspect with Crowbar Shot Outside Carls Jr Monterey Park
If anyone can please help me find Steven Rodriguez direct family i would greatly appreciate it, Ive had networks offer money for licensing rights to this video and upon denying them, i then thought that maybe his family could use this money for attorney expenses or whatever, if anyone knows this persons family and can message me through my YouTube account it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:09:25 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000035
Зомбилэнд - Правило №33: Швейцарцкий Армейский Нож [Гоблин]
Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:08:49 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000034
проводил детей в школу
Tue, 4 Sep 2012 08:33:28 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000033Если сотрудник Мвд боится собственного пистолета - нахрен такой сотрудник нужен? http://gun2012.ru/discussion]]>Tue, 4 Sep 2012 00:15:34 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000032А сейчас бьете не сильно? http://gun2012.ru/discussion]]>Tue, 4 Sep 2012 00:13:10 +0400https://russiaru.net/id284888/status/458d800000031Типа на бедных насрать? http://gun2012.ru/discussion]]>