Блоги Russia.Ru - huivam https://russiaru.net/id239260/Блоги Russia.Ru - huivam huivam https://russiaru.net/id239260/https://russiaru.net//avatar/id239260@russiaru.net/orig/4321546199.jpg155155Mon, 24 Feb 2025 10:05:13 +0300Mon, 4 Aug 2014 10:08:51 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c0000165b
Sabaton Panzerkampf Battle of #Kursk
Ролик шведской группы о битве на Курской дуге (ВОВ) с русскими титрами
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Sat, 14 Jun 2014 23:38:17 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c0000165a
Украинские националисты атакуют российское посольство
Более 200 человек днём 14 июня устроили пикет возле здания посольства России в Киеве. Националисты собрались у центрального входа в диппредставительство, закидали посольство яйцами и перевернули машины. В данном видео использованы трансляции пользоватей vichekyiv и spilno-tv Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rtrussian RT на русском - http://russian.rt.com/ Vkontakte - http://vk.com/rt_russian Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/RTRussian Twitter - http://twitter.com/RT_russian Livejournal - http://rt-russian.livejournal.com/
Свиней к посольству мать вашу!
Wed, 16 Apr 2014 13:54:22 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c00001659
Прямая трансляция из Славянска. Военнослужащие украинской армии, прибывшие в регион, перешли на сторону народного ополчения. ПОСЛЕДНИЕ НОВОСТИ НА http://russian.rt.com Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rtrussian RT на русском - http://russian.rt.com/ Vkontakte - http://vk.com/rt_russian Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/RTRussian Twitter - http://twitter.com/RT_russian Livejournal - http://rt-russian.livejournal.com/
Анатолий ты явно не силен в истории БМД
Sun, 23 Feb 2014 10:24:32 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c00001658
Прямая трансляция с Майдана / Kiev, Ukraine Live
ПОСЛЕДНИЕ НОВОСТИ: http://russian.rt.com Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rtrussian RT на русском - http://russian.rt.com/ Vkontakte - http://vk.com/rt_russian Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/RTRussian Twitter - http://twitter.com/RT_russian Livejournal - http://rt-russian.livejournal.com/
Мусора это подонки и их судьба позорная смерть!
Mon, 4 Nov 2013 09:46:03 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c00001657
Гимн СССР Сталинский
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Sat, 23 Nov 2013 11:04:17 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c00001656
Сталин в цвете Stalin in color
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Mon, 4 Feb 2013 16:17:30 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c00001655
"Игра в поддавки"
О роли Медведева в сдаче Ливии и интересов России.
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Mon, 4 Feb 2013 14:13:48 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c00001654
Great Minds: Slavoj Žižek
http://www.intelligencesquared.com/events/slavoj-zizek Modern radical thinker Slavoj Žižek spoke on the 1st July as part of the 'Great Minds' series, and affirmed his status as a great mind of modern philosophy and social, cultural and political theory. Starbucks, social solidarity and self-commodification were among the varied and enlightening topics touched upon by Žižek, all grounded by his interpretation of ideology and its continuing importance. One of Europe's foremost Marxist theorists, Žižek criticised modern leftist groups who, he argued, didn't really know how to cope with the upheaval of the 'sublime' moment (revelation that an assumed state of total happiness is actually nonexistent). The question of 'what happens next' has been asked since the dwindling exhaustion of modernism into postmodernism. Žižek asks us to put ideological pressure on modern life, confirming the presence of ideological symbolism even in blatant popular culture (such as two Oscar-winning films, The King's Speech and Black Swan [2010]). His manner was sometimes serious, sometimes comic and vaguely apocalyptic (he is a self confessed pessimist), which all together made for an engaging talk, dense in historical, anecdotal and political references. The combination of issues allowed the modern audience member to examine their own behaviour alongside Hegelian optimism, Freudian self-commodification and Marxist ideas of social roles, in a non 'academic' sense, referring to the purchasing of Starbucks coffee as a subconscious purchasing of social solidarity built into the price. An audience member asks 'isn't it the case that people know that what they're doing is buying a coffee that will then, in some sort of self-serving way, make them feel better about themselves?', thus showing that ideology is no longer a 'smokescreen' of sorts. Žižek answers by claiming that we follow things, knowing that they are ideologies, and this does not necessarily make them 'right' or true. This is where the notion of ideology seems to be headed; to a total self consciousness -- as with a Hegelian resolution of the 'Zeitgeist' (Žižek is actually close to the publishing of an 800 page book on Hegel). In his relatively brief talk, Slavoj Žižek managed to expose our susceptibility to certain ideologies, thus proving their ever present role in modern society - not bad for a Friday night in West London, perhaps the capital of the British bourgeoisie.
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Sun, 3 Feb 2013 16:22:55 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c00001653
Гордон [60] Поток времени
Время — понятие фундаментальное, но так ли оно неизменно и однородно? Что такое «реликтовое излучение»? Является ли «реликтовая физика» той «новой физикой, которая необходима для понимания сознания»? В чем причина существования двух механик: классической и квантовой? Едины ли физические законы для макро и микромира? Меняется ли течение времени при эволюции Вселенной? Программа Александра Гордона Тема: Поток времени Участники: Игорь Дмитриевский (академик РАЕН), Владимир Горбачев (доктор физико-математических наук, профессор) Дата выпуска: 23.01.2002 Номер выпуска: 60
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Sun, 3 Feb 2013 12:50:00 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c00001652
Диалектика на простых примерах
Диалектика на простых примерах
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Sun, 3 Feb 2013 12:10:27 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c00001651
Faster Than The Speed Of Light
In September 2011, an international group of scientists has made an astonishing claim -- they have detected particles that seemed to travel faster than the speed of light. It was a claim that contradicted more than a hundred years of scientific orthodoxy. Suddenly there was talk of all kinds of bizarre concepts, from time travel to parallel universes. So what is going on? Has Einstein's famous theory of relativity finally met its match? Will we one day be able to travel into the past or even into another universe? In this film, Professor Marcus du Sautoy explores one of the most dramatic scientific announcements for a generation. In clear, simple language he tells the story of the science we thought we knew, how it is being challenged, and why it matters.
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Sun, 3 Feb 2013 11:51:57 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c00001650
Гордон - 107 - Теория суперструн
107 выпуск ночного эфира Александра Гордона. Собеседники: академик РАН Валерий Рубаков и доктор физико-математических наук Дмитрий Гальцов.
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Sun, 3 Feb 2013 11:33:58 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c0000164f
Slavoj Zizek on Croatian Talk Show [eng subs]
Slavoj Zizek informally, when he attended the Subversive Film Festival in Zagreb. He is in conversation with Aleksandar Stanković, the host of Croatian TV show "Nedjeljom u 2" (Sundays at two o'clock), 13.5.2012. Topics: - Zizek's nationality and views on patriotism - Zizek as a father - Zizek evaluates progress in Slovenia and Croatia since the breakup of Yugoslavia - Being a Marxist today - Solution to the financial/economic crisis - Zizek explains how he feels about being called a "buffoon", and how he perceives his "stardom" - Zizek explains his conservative views on art, music etc. - Zizek claims that globalization can be an opportunity for small nations - Zizek on exploiting the capitalist system - Zizek explains why we should support "Occupy Wall Street" movement - Zizek says he doesn't believe in "direct democracy" - Zizek on ecology and "big problems" - Zizek disagrees with Gűnther Grass's poem - Zizek on Breivik and Zionistic Anti-Semitism - Zizek talks about the Arab Revolution, Iran etc. - Zizek talks about DARPA - Zizek explains why Communism is not the answer but the problem [Slavoj Zizek is speaking in Croatian (or what we once called "Serbo-Croatian"). My mother tongue is Slovenian, I am not fluent in Croatian, and have many problems with English spelling. Fortunately, I am not a translator by profession. So, please keep in mind that there may be flaws in the translation, and not only in the spelling and grammar. Words in brackets are only an approximation of what was really said. Thanks.] I don't own this content. It was taken from the public Croatian TV network HRT: http://www.hrt.hr/index.php?id=vijesti-clanak&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=165361&cHash=3973b88f13.
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Sun, 3 Feb 2013 11:01:01 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c0000164e
Tariq Ali & Slavoj Žižek: The Crisis of Europe /// Subversive festival, Zagreb, 13/05/2012
The opening of the 5th Subversive festival, and the first round table with Slavoj Žižek and Tariq Ali talking about the crisis in Europe, moderated by Srećko Horvat Produced by: SkriptaTV and KOME (Kolektiv za medijsku edukaciju) www.subversivefestival.com www.slobodnifilozofski.com www.slobodnifilozofski.org www.facebook.com/skriptatv www.youtube.com/tvskripta www.youtube.com/skriptatv
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Sat, 2 Feb 2013 16:52:12 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c0000164d
Гордон - Диалоги: Что есть время?
07.02.02 Участники: Коганов Александр Владимирович — кандидат физико-математических наук, научно-исследовательсий институт системных исследований (НИСИ РАН). Левич Александр Петрович — доктор биологических наук, биологический факультет МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова.
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Sat, 2 Feb 2013 16:40:40 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c0000164c
Гордон - 113 (2/3) - Диалектика кванта
113 выпуск ночного эфира Александра Гордона. Собеседник - доктор физико-математических наук Владимир Манько.
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Sat, 2 Feb 2013 16:41:00 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c0000164b
Гордон - 113 (3/3) - Диалектика кванта
113 выпуск ночного эфира Александра Гордона. Собеседник - доктор физико-математических наук Владимир Манько.
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Sat, 2 Feb 2013 15:12:53 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c0000164a
The truth of Troy (2004 BBC Horizon)
It's one of the greatest stories ever told. The legend of Helen of Troy has enchanted audiences for the last three thousand years. In May this year a Hollywood film staring Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom will be launched in Britain. But is there any reality to the myth? Horizon has unprecedented access to the scientist with the answers. Since 1988 Professor Manfred Korfmann has been excavating the site of Troy. He has never before spoken at this length. He has made amazing discoveries - how large the city was, how well it was defended and, crucially, that there was once a great battle there at precisely the time that experts believe the Trojan war occurred. But who had attacked the city and why? Horizon then follows a trail of clues - the ancient tablets written by a lost civilisation, the sunken ship rich in treasure, and the magnificent golden masks and bronze swords of a warrior people. The film reaches its climax in a tunnel deep beneath Troy, where Korfmann has made a discovery that may reveal, once and for all, the truth behind the myth. The story that emerges is one of great passion - but not, it seems, about love.
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Sat, 2 Feb 2013 12:52:43 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c00001649
И.Пыхалов. "О масштабах "сталинских репрессий".
Игорь Пыхалов. "Эпоха Сталина". Выпуск 1. "О масштабах "сталинских репрессий" Перестроечный ажиотаж вокруг имени Сталина. Сравнение реальных масштабов репрессий на основании архивных документов с вымыслом буржуазных пропагандистов. Цикл передач направлен на развенчание многочисленных мифов вокруг имени И.В.Сталина и советского государства того времени. Все выпуски: http://www.len.ru/index.php?mod=pages&page=stalin Сайт http://www.len.ru ВКонтакте: http://vk.com/lenru Twitter: http://twitter.com/LenRuTV Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/238512712873275 Blogspot: http://lenru.blogspot.ru LiveJournal: http://lenru.livejournal.com LiveInternet: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/3108168
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Sat, 2 Feb 2013 12:52:00 +0400https://russiaru.net/id239260/status/3a69c00001648
И.Пыхалов. "О количестве заключённых до и после войны".
Игорь Пыхалов. "Эпоха Сталина". Выпуск 2. "О количестве заключённых до и после войны". Продолжение разговора о масштабах "сталинских репрессий". Далеко не все осуждённые были приговорены к высшей мере наказания. Каково было количество заключённых, осуждённых по разным статьям и приговорённых к различным срокам наказания? Цикл передач направлен на развенчание многочисленных мифов вокруг имени И.В.Сталина и советского государства того времени. Все выпуски: http://www.len.ru/index.php?mod=pages&page=stalin Игорь Пыхалов - историк и публицист: http://www.len.ru/index.php?mod=pages&page=pyhalov Сайт http://www.len.ru ВКонтакте: http://vk.com/lenru Twitter: http://twitter.com/LenRuTV Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/238512712873275 Blogspot: http://lenru.blogspot.ru LiveJournal: http://lenru.livejournal.com LiveInternet: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/3108168
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