I'm American of Russian descent and I'm proud to be American and very proud to be Russian. Let me pass to all of you what my fellow Americans (normal ones) tell me: Crimea is Russian territory! They respect Putin and one of them even said he wished we had president like Putin. I really and sincerely wish Russian people to recognize themselves as great nation with great dignity. My deepest regret ...
I'm American of Russian descent and I'm proud to be American and very proud to be Russian. Let me pass to all of you what my fellow Americans (normal ones) tell me: Crimea is Russian territory! They respect Putin and one of them even said he wished we had president like Putin. I really and sincerely wish Russian people to recognize themselves as great nation with great dignity. My deepest regret is that I was not able to go to Sevastopol and stand there with two flags - American and Russian. Please, do not judge American people by action of our "leaders". Unfortunately, American people have the same problem - they are fed by lyes from the same "leaders". These leaders are responsible for over 200 million death for 20th Century and they are gearing up to repeat it again in 21st Century. If we, human beings, will not begin to talk to each other outside of their propaganda we will be nothing but cuddle going into slather house. LETS TALK!!!
Oleg Finodeyev, to be Russian means speak russian and think russian... Russian can't be proud to be American, because he's Russian... Choose your side, then we'll talk - with Russian or with American
Oleg Finodeyev, LoL, I'll not be Russian - I AM Russian... So what are you want to talk about? Respons for "over 200 million death for 20th Century"? Hell no!
All Win, Who cares about these leaders - we don't trust them either. Here we have a full scale ideological war against establishment. Sides here defined if you are working or you are on welfere - simple like that. Why don't we find something constructive rather than waste time and energy talking about something. If you think they are treating us much better than you - you are mistaking. ...
All Win, Who cares about these leaders - we don't trust them either. Here we have a full scale ideological war against establishment. Sides here defined if you are working or you are on welfere - simple like that. Why don't we find something constructive rather than waste time and energy talking about something. If you think they are treating us much better than you - you are mistaking.
Question: what do you think should be done to make people of Russia to be aware that people of the US is not the same as US/Multinational corporations? And vise-versa - what should be done to make people in the US to see that Russian people are can't be defined by vodka and snow?
P.S. I'm waiting for my keyboard stickers to be able to write in Russian.